Friday, March 9, 2012

Allow me to introduce myself...

I am Karpatchi. Yup, that's my real name (no it's not).

I'm your fairly typical Taiwanese American that grew up in the suburbs of Philly. Did well enough in school, had my extra curricular activities, played my musical instruments, full ride to Villanova University, received a BS in Chemistry, and then went on to obtain a MS and PhD in Chemistry from the University of Rochester. Super. There's just one problem; I don't want to be a research chemist.

If not research then what? Glad I asked. 

While grinding through graduate school I acknowledged for the first time that I had a creative side. It had been suppressed, tucked away, and only came out to play when I had a camera in my hand - or so I thought. Of course it had always been with me. I just never paid it any attention. However, with time and encouragement from friends and family I began to accept that I had a knack for photography.

Not getting enough satisfaction out of chemistry research, I eventually came up with a way to marry and utilize my creative side along with my scientific mind. I want to become a science broadcaster. I think. (maybe I just want to be a photographer? a discussion for separate post).

You know, the person that gets the facts together for your weekly NOVA program, Lab Radio on NPR, or maybe just the go-to science correspondant on your local news. 

The issue at hand is that there is no obvious route to this destination. 

This blog will serve several purposes for me: 1) Putting thoughts to paper/computer screen has always been therapeutic. I have a tendency to think in circles. 2) I recognize that this is a major crossroad in my  life and I want to document it. 3) I value the opinions and advice of other people, especially from family and friends. 4) To create discussions. 5) I have done a piss poor job of staying in touch with those people I care about. With everyone in different geographic locations and on different schedules this is an attempt to keep you informed of what is going on in my life. 6) To gain writing experience.

I hope you will join me as I navigate my way towards a career.

PS. Thanks to Tulaza who gave me the idea for the blog name.

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